Notes From The Shop
A glimpse behind the scenes of our business, our home, and our neurotic minds. Come for the greeting cards, stay for the recipes, field trips, and Joe's endless pro-wrestling references!
Find Us In Barnes & Noble!! (Or, Why We Haven't Been Updating the Blog as Much Lately)
Remember when we announced our Louie Award nominations several months ago? Well, we didn't win any this year — BUT we did end up getting a big small biz win...
A Brand NEW Product! (Or, How Raffy Has Become an Even Larger Part of the Business)
Drumroll, please… Remember a couple weeks ago, when I wrote about how Amy is no longer the only artist in the family? That was our...
Raffy Takes Up Painting (Or, Amy’s Not the Only Artist in the Family Anymore)
Amy’s the artist of the family. She’s the one who brings in the big bucks — well, her illustrations of chubby animals and good-looking food...

Things to Help You With Your Goodreads Goals
Have you told Goodreads how many books you want to read this year? Do you prefer to track your reading list in a book journal? Or do you, like some...