Hi everyone, Joe here. I’m taking over the From the Studio blogs for the month because Amy has loaded her plate up with painting, designing, and ordering a whole bunch of brand new products. Those will start showing up soon — keep an eye on our Instagram for updates and sneak peeks!
And speaking of product, some of our cards are up for Louie Awards this year!!
If you don’t know what the Louies are — don’t worry, you’re in the majority. But I mean, I did write about them last year. So I guess you didn't read that blog post, huh? Or is it because you only remember the part where I stabbed my wife with a screwdriver? (It was an accident!)
For those who don’t know, or have forgotten, the Louies are “The Oscars of the stationery world.” So, they're a really big deal in a very small and specific circle — and Amy’s already a two-time winner! We went big with our submissions this year, and now we're up for FIVE awards:
Celebrating AAPI Culture — Made Pho Each Other
Father’s Day — Chair-ish You
Friendship General — Mani More Years
Romantic Occasion — Long Romantic Scrolls
Thank You Card — Pooch-as Gracias
Winners will be announced at the *Noted trade show in April — keep your fingers crossed for us! Last year, Amy and I were able to drive up to San Francisco to both enjoy the awards banquet and exhibit at the show. But last year, we still lived in Denver. So, are we going to be able to fly out to SF this year now that we live in New Hampshire?
Well, it’s complicated. The short answer is: no. The long answer is: it's complicated. But also, no.
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You see, I read an article back in January about the strange assemblages of aesthetics in Las Vegas. And then, I sent it to Amy. See, for two people who don't drink that much and don't gamble at all, we are surprisingly devoted to a city that basically revolves around those two things. And we're constantly looking for an excuse to go back. So, about 20 minutes after reading the article, we booked a trip for the end of February.
Said trip involved a week's worth of doggy daycare for Raffy, an extra day in Boston because our flight out of Logan was super early, a pit stop in Austin, several flight delays, and a day where we each took about 18,000 steps, because that's the sort of thing Amy and I do to relax. More on all this in the next In the Wild post later this month.
All this to say, we simply don’t have it in us for another cross-country trip so soon after the last one — not to mention the expense of flights, hotels, and Raffy’s daycare (don’t worry, though, this isn't stopping us from going to NYC in a couple weeks 🤦).
We did think about Amy going on her own (contrary to how it may seem, we do sometimes do things on our own). Yes, she’d be alone at the awards banquet and sure, I would miss out on some of my favorite food at Palette Tea House or Nabe — but it would give Amy a chance to mix and mingle with the other industry folks.
Here's the thing, though. Amy has social anxiety. Like, so much social anxiety. She's not actually that socially awkward, but her anxiety about her potential awkwardness, about how she might put her foot in her mouth, about how she might seem like she's trying too hard, or not trying hard enough... Well, it all comes down to anxiety over having any amount of attention directed her way.
Now, you might be asking yourself, “How much could that actually affect her, Joe?”. This much: I can’t tell her she’s beautiful or looks good in what she’s wearing without her being so uncomfortable that she has to make an awkward-looking face that lands somewhere between Chrissy Teigen and Jay-Z. Just a reminder, Amy and I have been married for over a year now. And she genuinely still thinks saying "thank you" to a compliment from me will come across as braggadocious.
Without me there, and with our very exciting assortment of nominations, the idea that Amy might have to interact with people who want to *gasp* congratulate her or *gasp* tell her that they like her work is just too much for her to handle.
So, to summarize: this blog post is a celebration of Amy and her success, and of her work being recognized by her industry peers and national buyers — and because it’s coming from me, she will grudgingly accept this praise. But not without making a face.
P.S. If you’re interested in more about the Louie’s, check out their website here.